Payroll software for cleaning manpower agencies in Sri Lanka

One major task when running a cleaning manpower service agency is to calculate the payrolls at the end of each month (or early next month). Even though it is possible to calculate all the salaries, salary additions (such as advance payments, special payments, etc.) and salary deductions (advance payment recoveries, loan recoveries, meals and lodging recoveries, etc.) using paper work or from a tool such as Microsoft Excel, it is very convenient, efficient and precise to use a software such as PayMan to do the payroll process tasks.

PayMan provides you all the functionality to handle your cleaning service payroll service. Starting from registering and maintaining cleaning service staff profiles and registering and maintaining customer profiles, PayMan let's you update shifts, issue and recover loans, issue and recover advance payments such as monthly advance or festival advance, issue special payments, fines and other recoveries management, EPF/ETF deduction, bank upload file generation and all the things that we need to successfully operate the cleaning service are there with the software.